Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Provider hosted app security in SharePoint apps

Check the below link, it was in detail.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

New Features in SharePoint 2016

  1. Role based configuration wizard for configuring a server role

  • Front end 
  • Application
  • Search
  • Specialized load
  • Distributed cache
  1. Zero downtime patching
  2. App launcher for on premise has been introduced
  3. Office 365 api's coming to On-premise 
  4. No Standalone machine any more there should be two servers two install SharePoint now one for SharePoint and other for Sql server
  5. No Foundation version any more
  6. Build one and deploy into two environments(for one premise and office 365)

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

BCS in Office 365

We can also call BCS an ORM(object relational map)
Secured store service is used to connect to external sources using different accounts apart from the organizational accounts

The main steps involved in devlopemt using BCS are:

  1. Creating external content types using designer or VS
  2. Importing external content type to BCS
  3. Configure the secured store
  4. Creating external lists
  5. Creating apps
Creation of App level ECT(external content type)

FileBackedMetadatCatalog loads External content type into it to easy access and also for creation of external lists
Specific finder is a method that is used to find one particular item, it is similar to a view on a list but i only returns one item on a list
We are have all the CRUD operational method for ECT to do
Sample code to connect to a list

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Debugging Remote Event Recievers

  1. We must create a new azure service bus namespace using azure powershell
  2. The command give back a connection sting to connect to Azure environment with EndPoint
  3. Use this in visual studio for connecting to azure
  4. go to project properties
  5. inside that go to SharePoint tab
  6. Check the enable debugging via Azure service bus
  7. copy past the connection string that we got from command prompt
  8. insert a breakpoints and click on F5 for debugging

Remote event receivers in SharePoint 2013

The remote events supports

Site - Create, Move, Delete
List - Create, Delete
List schema - Create, Update, Delete
List Item - Create, Update, Delete, Move, CheckIn, UnCheckIn, CheckOut, AttachmentsAdded, AttachemntsRemoved, FileMoved, FileConverted
App - Install, Update, Uninstall

Some Impotent Points to be noted:
  • Remote event receivers call across the networks
  • After events use WCF(Windows communication foundation) call on remote web so that they do not block the sharepoint host nor delay the response back to the user
  • Remote event recievers will only workf if the concern list is present in App Web
  • SharePoint hosted apps doesnt support remote event receievers, its only provider hosted apps
  • IRemoteEventService an interface thats get inherited in remote event recievers
  • We have only two events called "ProcessEvent" which is a two way event and "ProcessOneWayEvent" for one way
  • Properties argument defines the event that has fired on a list item
  • We will be having only single entry point for all the events
  • Properties.ItemEventProperties is for an item events and Properties.ListEventProperties for list events
  • SPRemoteEventResult which is used to sent status back to SharePoint(used for sending information and also for canceling the events)

Before events example

After events example

  • App Life Cycle events are two way events
  • "ProcessOneWayEvent" never file in App related events
This are just brief points about remote event recievers.

Monday, August 31, 2015

points to be noted on Event receivers in SharePoint 2013

properties.ErrorMessage is used for showing error in event handlers
properties.ListItem.Updateoverwriteversion() is used to overwrite version in list item, rather than adding a new version to the item it overwrites the existing one.
this.EventFiringEnable = false or True to stop or start the events on a list item, when ever you use "Updateoverwriteversion()" method inside a event we should set "this.EventFiringEnable= True" to stop the recursion 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

SharePoint 2013 People Picker error: “Sorry, we’re having trouble reaching the server.”

If you see the above error while adding users to a group or to a site there are many resolutions which are out there in internet.

but for me i have tried everything which i seen based on the above error but nothing worked out, finally after extending the web application to new port number and deleting the same, the issue got fixed

Hope this helps others.

News feed error: SharePoint could not retrieve the content. Please try again later

If you see this error message, ther could be an issue with user profile service, Authentication issue and may a with distributed cache.

if you have already checked all of the above and still seeing the same issue, then check the microfeeds list and see whether you are able to see the items in it.

if you are not able to see items in micro feeds list, increase the threshold value of lists from 5000 to 10000 or something...

by default administrators have 20000 has the limit for each list so there will be no issues for administrators on news feeds.

we have figured it out when we see the above error while trying to access "Show all replies" inside a news feed.

Hope this helps others.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Oracle LDAP and SharePoint 2013 integration

I have came across a post for oracle and SharePoint 2013 integration, i think this will help other too.


SharePoint - Cannot convert a primitive value to the expected type 'Edm.Double'. See the inner exception for more details If y...
