Friday, April 29, 2011

SharePoint:hiding quick launch bar

Hi All,

There is a way you can hide a quick launch bar in MOSS 2007.

Here are the steps to follow:

(1)Add content editor webpart on page
(2) Click on Modify shared webpart
(3) Click on source editor button
(4) Copy and paste the following HTML

display: none;

(5)Go to layouts section of that webpart and select Hidden.

That's it. Now no more quick launch bar !!!!!

If you want to get quick launch back, just again edit the page and go to modify shared webpart of content editor webpart. Go to source editor button and remove all HTML content and save it.

That's it. Now you will have your quick launch back in place !!!

Monday, April 25, 2011

SharePoint:To get the size's of the sites

stsadm -o enumsites -url http://site/subsite>File.txt

where file.txt is used to write the data in to a text file
you will get the data in MB's

so how it look like...

<Sites Count="1">
StorageMaxMB="0" /> </Sites> 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

IIS7:Cannot start service W3SVC on computer '.'


Error while restarting IIS
i.e. after stopping IIS when i start again i hot this error
Cannot start service W3SVC on computer '.'


  1. Run -> appwiz.cpl -> Turn windows features on or off -> Check "Windows Process Activation Service"
  2. That's all.
and also check this

You should check to see that all of the following services are started, or at the very least, not disabled: HTTP, Windows Process Activation Service, DCOM Process Launcher, and RPC Endpoint Mapper.
You should also verify t hat no other process is listening on port 80. The simplest way to do this is to issue the following in a command window:
netstat -a -o|findstr 80

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

SharePoint:Export and Importing of SharePoint Site

To take backup of particular sub site and to make it as sub site to another site collection:

1)      First log in to WFE as admin rights
2)      export needed site into .cab file
stsadm –o export –url “
http://siteA/sub%20site1” –filename –versions 4
3)      Do an import to a required location
stsadm –o import –url “
http://siteB/sub%20site1” –filename

Monday, April 11, 2011

SharePoint:The user does not exists or it's not unique


If you have the above issue "The user does not exists or it's not unique"
in my finidngs i found that this may be due to the change in the active directory domain
if there is some migartion done from one site to other site collection


I saw this problem a few times but when I went to user profile, I can see the user is there and all the information is right. But if you go to WSS_Content db and run
select * from userinfo where tp_title like ‘user%’
I found the tp_login data is different from the user who has problem. The problem with this, is that the tp_Login column in the UserInfo table for every site collection in which Margie has permissions, is cached with her previous NT Login Name. There is also no way to update this information with a SPUser object from the SharePoint object model, and SharePoint does not synchronize this from Active Directory once the users is added to a web in the Site Collection.
The only time that SharePoint will automatically update the tp_Login column, is if the users is completely removed from the site collection. The tp_Deleted column is then set for the user in that site collection. On the next occurrence of the user being added to a web, we gather the current information from the domain. You can however, re-sync SharePoint with the current information without removing them completely from the site collection by using SPUserUtil
For a single user you can use
stsadm.exe -o migrateuser -oldlogin MYDOMAIN\prhranki -newlogin MYDOMAIN\LUHRANKI -ignoresidhistory
If you need to do a batch of users, I personally think WSSUserUtil and SPSUserUtil is the way to go.
See this two references:

SharePoint - Cannot convert a primitive value to the expected type 'Edm.Double'. See the inner exception for more details If y...
